Whilst the purpose of this blog is to celebrate and engage people online with the life and history of Haywards Heath and its surrounds the author has no commercial interest. In broadcasting previous work to that of his own his aim is to celebrate that work whilst drawing out corrections to the town’s history from those more informed than himself. Since October 2018 the author has published six collections of blog posts, pictures with 100-150 word captions, roughly one post a week on Instagram, Twitter and the following Facebook Groups: Haywards Heath Gossip, NEW Haywards Heath Gossip, Memories of Haywards Heath, Haywards Heath in days gone by and Bentswood Community Partnership (BCPHH). The author serves on BCPHH and on Haywards Heath Town Team. The latter team has been instrumental in raising the profile of town history linked to a forthcoming September 2020 celebration though the views expressed on this blog are his alone. The author recognises the substantive inspirati...